







CDs und soundart files von Michael Rüsenberg, Interviews mit soundart-KünstlerInnen.


14. Okt. 2021 | News, RealAmbient

Museo Reina Sofia, Sabatini Building, Madrid

I was happy to have been invited to this exhibition with a short piece. (I selected „Lisboa Horn Concerto“) Audiosfera is curated by Francisco Lopez.

The exhibition has been exclusively audio-based, aiming at being the first exhibition in a major contemporary art museum with no images and no objects at all.

Access to all the works has been via  streaming through a specifically-designed free App (plus superb high-end headphones provided to the public) and a locative system that will work inside the museum, giving access to the different sections’ audio contents via the physical presence of the visitor in the exhibition rooms.

All the exhibition spaces are being re-designed in collaboration with a team of architects, and will be reconfigured into intimate, focused, multiple-option, very comfortable listening spaces.

Museo Reina Sofia, Sabatini Building, Madrid
14.10.20 – 11.01.21

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Ingeborg Drews Gedenk-Ausstellung

Ingeborg Drews Gedenk-Ausstellung

"Was it a Boy?" Text: INGEBORG DREWS ("im barocken") Vocal: DANNY DONATZ Klangkomposition: MICHAEL RÜSENBERG Gedenk-Ausstellung INGEBORG DREWS, 1938-2019 Galerie Koppelmann Kunstwerk Nippes 23.10.2020



Joachim Rüsenberg, 1951-2016 mit Axel Grube, Christoph Korn, Mechthild Hagemann, Elisabeth Luchesi, Katharina Mayer, Christoph Perzl, Thomas Seidel, Burkhard Steinke, Jens Stittgen, Frauke Tomczak, Thomas Rüsenberg, Michael Rüsenberg Dienstag, 26. April, 19 Uhr...

„—“ the cragged version 3.5

„—“ the cragged version 3.5

Peter Hölscher Michael Rüsenberg Reuschenberger, Lohberg, "---" the cragged version 3.5 bei VIA in Offenburg, 12.01.2016 in der Badischen Zeitung und, bei Beegee


Gesprächsreihe / Gedankensprünge

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Markus Gabriel, Jürgen Kaube, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, Michael Rutschky, Wolfgang Streeck, Philipp Hübl u.v.a.

Interviews & Texte

Interviews / Texte

Michael Rüsenberg Teaser mit Logowelle

Interviews & Texte

Radiotexte für WDR, SWR, HR, DLF, Essays zur Musik (1998 bis heute), Interviews mit MusikerInnen

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