David Toop
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Jem Finer
Jem Finer, born 1955, has been a bandmember of The Pogues. In 1999 he installed a composition, called Longplayer, that started on January 1st 2000 and will not repeat before December 31st 2999. In other words, it will last for at least one thousand years, much longer...
Tony Gibbs
leads the BA Sonic Arts programme at Middlesex University, London. (now retired) Interviewed in London, July 2007
Francisco Lopez
as interviewed in Amsterdam/NL, 01.03.2010 Message from Francisco Lopez in the fall 2024: As is the case with sophisticated good wines (which I happen to be very fond of), the making of certain things greatly...
Jodi Rose
Jodi Rose ("singing bridges"), as interviewed in Berlin, March 2008
Janek Schaefer
as interviewed in London, April 2006
Pierre Alexander Tremblay
as DAAD-scholar, interviewed in Berlin, June 2010.
Chris Watson
Chris Watson, born 1953 in Sheffield, is regarded as the prime nature sound recordist in the world. He contributed to numerous nature documentaries by David Attenborough. His album Weather Report (2003) was named as one of the "1000 albums to hear before you die" by...
Hildegard Westerkamp
Hildegard Westerkamp, born 1946 in Osnabrück (Germany), moved to Vancouver in 1968. She was one of the founders of the Vancouver Soundscape Project and hails as a leading artist in the genre of Soundscape Composition. interviewed at "trans_canada", Karlsruhe, February...
John Wynne
John Wynne, born 1957 in Zweibrücken (Germany), is a Canadian/British soundartist and Professor emeritus of the University of the Arts, London. His work mainly focusses on installations. "Transplant" (2008) with Photographer Tim Wainwright (1954-2018), was based on...
Gesprächsreihe / Gedankensprünge
Video-Archiv der Gesprächsreihe
Markus Gabriel, Jürgen Kaube, Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, Michael Rutschky, Wolfgang Streeck, Philipp Hübl u.v.a.
Interviews & Texte
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Interviews & Texte
Radiotexte für WDR, SWR, HR, DLF, Essays zur Musik (1998 bis heute), Interviews mit MusikerInnen
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